Transitions of Care for Pediatric Sepsis Survivors: From Hospital to Home (CE Session)
Date/Time: September 27, 2023 | 2:25 - 2:55 pm ET
Each year, tens of thousands of children are hospitalized with sepsis. Fortunately, with early recognition and treatment, many can survive hospitalization. However, those survivors can experience new physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges, as well as increased healthcare use after hospital discharge. This session will review epidemiology of the post-hospital consequences facing sepsis survivors and possible strategies to limit or prevent such outcomes during hospitalization, near discharge, and at home.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session, the learner should be able to:
- Recognize the physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional sequelae among sepsis survivors after hospitalization;
- Explain the recommended practices and strategies to mitigate challenges and complications post-sepsis.

Erin Carlton, MD, MSc
Assistant Professor, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
University of Michigan
Erin Carlton, MD, MSc, is a Clinical Assistant Professor in Pediatric Critical Care at the University of Michigan and a health services researcher at the Child Health Evaluation and Research (CHEAR) Center. Dr. Carlton received her MD from the University of Toledo and trained in pediatrics at the University of Colorado. She completed her pediatric critical care medicine fellowship at University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. Dr. Carlton received further research training in the Health and Healthcare Research program at the Institute for Health Policy and Innovation at University of Michigan. Dr. Carlton’s research focuses on improving long-term outcomes after pediatric critical illness, specifically severe sepsis. She strives to understand the factors influencing pediatric severe sepsis survivorship, with a long-term goal of developing and testing clinical interventions to mitigate post-sepsis morbidity.
Session Title: Transitions of Care for Pediatric Sepsis Survivors: From Hospital to Home
Session Day/Time: Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 2:25 - 2:55 PM EST
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