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Sybil Hoiss, RN, MN
Lead, Clinical Initiatives & Innovation
Critical Care BC, Provincial Health Services Authority
Since joining critical care as a direct care RN in 2009, Sybil has enjoyed working as a critical care educator, quality, and systems improvement leader. She completed her Masters of Nursing at Athabasca University and is now enrolled in the Sepsis Canada/CIHR Lifting Research Training program. While working as a Strategic Lead with Health Quality BC, Sybil was the provincial Quality Lead for the BC Sepsis Network and continues to lead that work with Critical Care BC, a new Health Improvement Network with Provincial Health Services Authority. Sybil is committed to bringing together leaders in sepsis to raise awareness and take action to reduce the burden of sepsis for patients, caregivers and families, and also for the health care staff and providers and the health system as a whole.
Global Perspectives in Sepsis Care (Presented by Sepsis Forum: Bench • Bedside • Beyond)
Session Title: Sepsis Survivorship
Session Day/Time: Friday, September 27, 2024, 2:30 PM - 3:25 PM EST