Day 3: Global Perspectives in Sepsis Care (Presented by Sepsis Forum: Bench • Bedside • Beyond)

4.86 (36 votes)

Recorded On: 09/27/2024


Date/Time: September 27, 2024 | 10:00 am - 4:00 pm ET

Target Audience: 

Nurses, advanced practice providers, physicians, emergency responders, pharmacists, medical technologists, respiratory therapists, physical/occupational therapists, infection prevention specialists, data/quality specialists, and more.

Time (ET)Session TitlePresenter
Opening Remarks and Land Acknowledgement
David Carlbom, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine University of Washington School of Medicine Medical Director, Respiratory Care Department Attending Physician, Medical and Trauma-Surgical Intensive Care Units Harborview Medical Center

Katy Grainger
Sepsis Survivor and Advocate
10:10-10:55Session 1: Implementation of Pediatric Sepsis Phoenix Criteria Across the Globe: Building Equity?

10:10-10:15  Introductions

10:15-10:30  Development of the Phoenix Criteria for Sepsis and Septic Shock in Children

 The Phoenix Pediatric Sepsis Definitions - Applying Them in South Africa

  Panel Discussion
Moderator: Scott P. Sherry, MS, PA-C, FCCM
Sepsis Program Manager, Oregon Health and Science University  Doernbecher Children’s Hospital

L. Nelson Sanchez-Pinto, MD, MBI, FAMIA
Northwestern University - Feinberg School of Medicine

Andrew Argent, MBBCh, MMed, MD, FRCPCH (UK)
Professor Emeritus
University of Cape Town
11:00-11:55Session 2: Challenges & Opportunities for Improving Maternal Sepsis Care

11:00-11:05  Introductions

 Midwives’ role in preventing maternal and neonatal sepsis in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

 Addressing Maternal Sepsis: A Large-Scale Quality Improvement Approach

Practical approaches to addressing maternal sepsis in Low-to-Middle Income Countries

  Panel Discussion
Moderator: Scott P. Sherry, MS, PA-C, FCCM
Sepsis Program Manager, Oregon Health and Science University  Doernbecher Children’s Hospital

Cathryn Ellis. BFA, MSc. PhD, RM (non-practicing)

Associate Professor Emeritus
University of British Columbia

Elliott K. Main, MD
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Stanford University School of Medicine

María Fernanda Escobar Vidarte, MD Chief of the Global Health Equity Unit, Fundacion Valle del Lili
12:30-1:30Session 3: Bedside Education - Teaching Providers How to Apply Best Practices

12:30-12:35  Introductions

  The Hard Part - Turning Guidelines Into Practice

  Transformational Leadership: People-Centered Framework to Address Antimicrobial Resistance, the Silent Tsunami!

    Panel Discussion
Moderator: Rick Janik, BSN, RN, CEN, CFRN
Flight Nurse, Airlift Northwest

Laura Evans, MD, MSc
Professor and Medical Director
Critical Care, University of Washington

Halima Salisu-Kabara, FWACN, MPA, RN-RM, CCRN
Vice-Executive Director African Sepsis Alliance (ASA)
1:30-2:25Session 4: Bench to Bedside: Updates in Sepsis Science

1:30-1:35  Introductions

Sepsis Research Update: Considerations for All Care Settings

Moderator: Mary Jo Kelly DNP, ARNP-CNS, CCNS, CCRN

Elizabeth Bridges PhD, RN, CCNS, FCCM, FAAN
Professor Emeritus, Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Informatics
University of Washington Medical Center
2:30-3:25Session 5: Sepsis Survivorship

2:30-2:35  Introductions

  Journey to Sepsis Survivorship: Patient Perspective

 Sepsis Aftercare: Improving the Lives of Sepsis Survivors

Sepsis Transition and Recover (STAR), Nurse Navigators Delivering Best Practice Post-Discharge Care

  Panel Discussion
Moderator: Sybil Hoiss, RN, MN
Lead, Clinical Initiatives & Innovation Critical Care BC, Provincial Health Services Authority

Hailey Bain
Sepsis Survivor and Patient Partner Sepsis Canada

Mark E. Mikkelsen, MD, MSCE, FCCM
Associate Chief Medical Officer, Critical Care University of Colorado Hospital

Stephanie Taylor, MD, MS
Division Chief of Hospital Medicine University of Michigan
3:30-4:00Closing Remarks: Pulling It All TogetherFatima Sheikh, MSc
Communications Assistant
Sepsis Canada

Katy Grainger
Sepsis Survivor and Advocate

David Carlbom, MD

Medical Director, Harborview Respiratory Care Department

Harborview Medical Center, University of Washington

David Carlbom, MD is the Medical Director, Respiratory Care Department and Attending Physician in the Medical and Trauma-Surgical Intensive Care Units at Harborview Medical Center. He is an Associate Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Department of Medicine, at the University of Washington School of Medicine. He is a graduate of the University of Washington School of Medicine and trained in Internal Medicine at the University of Colorado and in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Washington.

Dr. Carlbom’s passion is in early recognition and early resuscitation of critically ill patients. He is actively involved in leadership and teaching activities at the local, regional, and international level. He is a major resource for sepsis resuscitation and pre-ICU critical care expertise at UW Medicine. He lectures extensively to multiple different professionals and works systematically to identify and initiate rapid treatment of critically ill sepsis patients. In 2020, he was awarded the individual Global Sepsis Award in recognition for his commitment to educate others about sepsis. His bias is “good people trying hard, of any educational level, can take great care of critically ill patients if they work as a team, communicate, and have compassion for humans.” 

Global Perspectives in Sepsis Care (Presented by Sepsis Forum: Bench • Bedside • Beyond)

Session Title: Opening Remarks and Land Acknowledgement

Session Day/Time: Friday, September 27, 2024, 10:00 AM - 10:10 AM EST

Access Session

Katy Grainger

Sepsis Survivor & Advocate

Sepsis Alliance, Board of Directors

In September 2018, Katy Grainger’s life was turned upside down when she nearly died from septic shock because of a small, infected cut on her thumb. Because of complications from sepsis, she now lives as a bilateral below-knee amputee who also lost seven partial fingers. One in five deaths worldwide are caused by sepsis, yet few people have heard of it and even fewer can identify the signs and symptoms. Katy has made it her mission to do everything she can to prevent others from experiencing what she went through.

Katy serves on the Board of Directors of Sepsis Alliance and shares her story to highlight this important public health crisis. She has reached millions of people with information about sepsis and disability through social media channels, articles, podcasts and speaking engagements. She has impacted medical policy in the United States by speaking to policy makers in Washington DC, Hawaii, and Washington State. Katy has become a body inclusive model and actor. She is currently writing a book about her journey with sepsis and amputations, highlighting the patient experience, lessons learned, and the strength she has gained.

Global Perspectives in Sepsis Care (Presented by Sepsis Forum: Bench • Bedside • Beyond)

Session Title: Opening Remarks and Land Acknowledgement / Closing Remarks: Pulling It All Together

Session Day/Time: Friday, September 27, 2024, 10:00 AM - 10:10 AM EST / 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM EST

Access Session

L. Nelson Sanchez-Pinto, MD, MBI, FAMIA

Pediatric Critical Care Physician

Northwestern University – Feinberg School of Medicine

L. Nelson Sanchez-Pinto, MD, MBI, FAMIA, is a pediatric critical care physician, biomedical informatics specialist, and data science researcher at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago. His research focuses on applying data science and artificial intelligence approaches to improve the care provided to acutely ill patients, with a particular focus on pediatric sepsis.

Global Perspectives in Sepsis Care (Presented by Sepsis Forum: Bench • Bedside • Beyond)

Session Title: Implementation of Pediatric Sepsis Phoenix Criteria Across the Globe: Building Equity?

Session Day/Time: Friday, September 27, 2024, 10:10 AM - 10:55 AM EST

Access Session

Andrew Argent, MBBCh, MMed, MD (Paediatrics), FRCPCH (UK)

Professor Emeritus

University of Cape Town

Andrew Argent, MBBCh, MMed, MD, FRCPCH(UK) has worked in critical care in Cape Town for more than 30 years and directed the largest pediatric intensive care unit in Africa until 2019. He is a past President of the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care societies. Although retired, he remains involved in the development of clinical approaches to the recognition and management of sepsis in children. He has a particular interest in the provision of care to critically ill children in countries across the world and has been involved in the development and implementation of training programs for healthcare workers in pediatric critical care. Dr. Argent continues to be involved in consultations regarding multiple aspects of the care of critically ill children.

Global Perspectives in Sepsis Care (Presented by Sepsis Forum: Bench • Bedside • Beyond)

Session Title: Implementation of Pediatric Sepsis Phoenix Criteria Across the Globe: Building Equity?

Session Day/Time: Friday, September 27, 2024, 10:10 AM - 10:55 AM EST

Access Session

Cathryn Ellis, BFA, MSc. PhD, RM (non-practicing)

Associate Professor Emeritus

University of British Columbia

Dr. Cathryn Ellis is an Associate Professor Emeritus at the University of British Columbia, where she taught in the UBC Midwifery Program from 2004 to 2022. She was lead for UBC’s Midwifery Global Placement from 2004 to 2024 and developed a global maternal-infant health theory and practice course for UBC health science students. Her special interest in global midwifery and maternal-infant care has led her to teach community-level and university-trained midwives in Mexico, Nicaragua, Kosovo, Zambia, Uganda, Bangladesh, Nepal, South Sudan, Somalia, and Somaliland. With a PhD in Global Health from Simon Fraser University, Cathy's research and practice focus on improving maternal health outcomes in remote and underserved communities. She is currently the UBC lead for CAM’s Strengthening Midwifery Education and Practice in Somalia project.

Global Perspectives in Sepsis Care (Presented by Sepsis Forum: Bench • Bedside • Beyond)

Session Title: Challenges & Opportunities for Improving Maternal Sepsis Care

Session Day/Time: Friday, September 27, 2024, 11:00 AM - 11:55 AM EST

Access Session

Elliott K. Main, MD

Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Stanford University School of Medicine

Elliott Main, MD founded and directed the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative (CMQCC) for 16 years until 2023 and served as the Chair of the California Maternal Mortality Review Committee during those years. Nationally, Dr. Main is the co-founder and currently the lead for QI Implementation for Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health ( AIM), the national project, funded thru the Health Resources and Services Administration ( HRSA) and based at American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), for supporting state Perinatal Quality Collaboratives in their efforts to reduce maternal mortality and severe morbidity. He has coauthored multiple California Maternal Quality of Care Collaborative (CMQCC) Toolkits and AIM National Safety Bundles including recent one on obstetric sepsis. Currently Dr Main is co-principal investigator with Dr. Melissa Bauer of an NIH sponsored two-state quality improvement collaborative to reduce maternal sepsis. Dr. Main is Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Stanford University in the Dunlevie Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine.

Global Perspectives in Sepsis Care (Presented by Sepsis Forum: Bench • Bedside • Beyond)

Session Title: Challenges & Opportunities for Improving Maternal Sepsis Care

Session Day/Time: Friday, September 27, 2024, 11:00 AM - 11:55 AM EST

Access Session

María Fernanda Escobar Vidarte, MD

Faculty of Medicine

Fundacion Valle del Lili

María Fernanda Escobar Vidarte, MD is a Gynecologist and Obstetrician from the Universidad del Valle, Cali- Colombia; specialist in Critical Medicine and Intensive Care from the Universidad del Valle and the University of Pittsburgh, USA. Dr. Escobar-Vidarte holds a master’s degree in Clinical Epidemiology from the Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco- Chile and a master’s degree in Management for Social Innovation from the ICESI University, Cali. Currently, Dr. Escobar-Vidarte is Chief of the Global Health Equity Unit and leader of the Hospital Padrino strategy of the Fundacion Valle del Lili and Colombia in alliance with the Ministry of Health of Colombia. She is a professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Icesi University, Cali – Colombia, and a mentor of the same university's Obstetrics and Gynecology research group. She has represented Latin America in the Safe Motherhood and Childbirth Health Committee of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO). Dr. Escobar-Vidarte is also a consultant to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Global Perspectives in Sepsis Care (Presented by Sepsis Forum: Bench • Bedside • Beyond)

Session Title: Challenges & Opportunities for Improving Maternal Sepsis Care

Session Day/Time: Friday, September 27, 2024, 11:00 AM - 11:55 AM EST

Access Session

Rick Janik, BSN, RN, CEN, CFRN (Moderator)

Flight Nurse

Airlift Northwest

Rick is a registered nurse with over 25 years’ experience caring for patients both at the bedside and during transport. His background includes over 20 years providing critical care during transport throughout Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, and work in a variety of emergency departments. He recently rejoined UW Medicine to pursue his passion academic medicine, working as a flight nurse for Airlift Northwest in Juneau, Alaska. In addition to sepsis, he is valued as a subject matter expert in resuscitation, rural medicine, prolonged field care, and bridging gaps to ensure quaternary level care can be delivered even in the most remote settings. He is passionate about teaching excellence in patient care and is involved as both a presenter and planning team member for local, regional, state, and national conferences including the Sepsis Forum. Some claim his medical superpower is his ability to search and recall literature. Outside work, he can be found enjoying the water and mountains of Alaska with his wife and dog.

Global Perspectives in Sepsis Care (Presented by Sepsis Forum: Bench • Bedside • Beyond)

Session Title: Bedside Education - Teaching Providers How to Apply Best Practices

Session Day/Time: Friday, September 27, 2024, 12:30 PM - 1:25 PM EST

Access Session

Laura Evans, MD, MSc

Professor, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine; Medical Director, Critical Care

University of Washington Medical Center

Laura Evans, MD, MSc, is a professor of medicine at the University of Washington and the Medical Director of Critical Care at the University of Washington Medical Center. Her interests focus on sepsis and preparedness for high-consequence infectious diseases, particularly on guideline development and implementation, as well as patient safety/quality improvement.  

Dr. Evans earned her medical degree at the University of Michigan and did her residency in internal medicine at Columbia University. She completed pulmonary and critical care medicine fellowship training and earned a Master of Science in epidemiology at the University of Washington. She then joined the New York University and Bellevue Hospital faculty in 2006.  In her role there, she led the evacuation of the Bellevue Hospital intensive care units in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. She was the clinical lead for New York City’s only patient with Ebola. She was associate program director for the pulmonary and critical care fellowship program at NYU for more than 10 years. After 14 years in NYC, she returned to Seattle in 2019.

She joined the steering committee of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) in 2012 and was the co-chair of the past two revisions of the SSC adult sepsis guidelines and SSC COVID management guidelines co-chair. She also served as the critical care team lead for the National Institutes of Health COVID Management Guidelines. She is the current chair of the American Board of Internal Medicine’s Critical Care Medicine specialty board.

Halima Salisu-Kabara, FWACN, MPA, RN-RM, CCRN

Vice-Executive Director

African Sepsis Alliance (ASA)

Halima Salisu Kabara, FWACN, MPA, RN-RM, CCRN is a Practice Development Consultant, and the Sepsis Coordinator for SIDOK Sepsis Research Group, a multidisciplinary team in Nigeria. Her vision is to reduce preventable deaths due to sepsis in Nigeria and Africa and provide patient-centered equitable care in low-resource countries.

She is proudly an EECC Champion and a Sepsis Ambassador. She is the Vice-Executive Director of the African Sepsis Alliance (ASA), and a Board member of the Global Sepsis Alliance (GSA).

Global Perspectives in Sepsis Care (Presented by Sepsis Forum: Bench • Bedside • Beyond)

Session Title: Session 3: Bedside Education - Teaching Providers How to Apply Best Practices

Session Day/Time: Friday, September 27, 2024, 12:30 PM - 1:25 PM EST

Access Session

Mary Jo Kelly, DNP, MN, ARNP-CNS, CCNS, CCRN (Moderator)

System Level Clinical Nurse Specialist

Providence Swedish Health System

Dr. Mary Jo Kelly is an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, Doctor of Nursing Practice, and Clinical Nurse Specialist at Providence Swedish Health System in Seattle Washington. She has more than 30 years' experience in improving patient care delivery through personalized support and on-going attention to patient safety. She is also a nurse specialist with National Disaster Medical System and has overseen operations for prominent public health campaigns. In recognition of her leadership in the health care industry, she was awarded the 2021 DAISY Nurse Leader Award.

Global Perspectives in Sepsis Care (Presented by Sepsis Forum: Bench • Bedside • Beyond)

Session Title: Bench to Bedside: Updates in Sepsis Science

Session Day/Time: Friday, September 27, 2024, 1:30 PM - 2:25 PM EST

Access Session

Elizabeth Bridges, PhD, RN, CCNS, FCCM, FAAN

Professor Emeritus, Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Informatics

University of Washington Medical Center

Elizabeth Bridges PhD, RN, CCNS, FCCM, FAAN has over 40 years of experience in critical care. She retired as a professor from the University of Washington School of Nursing/University of Washington Medical Center and is a retired colonel of the United States Air Force Nurse Corps. Her research focuses on the care of patients during long-distance military aeromedical evacuation and austere operational settings and the integration of hemodynamics into the care of critically ill patients. She is the editor of the TriService Nursing Research Program Battlefield and Disaster Nursing Pocket Guide, which is currently being translated into Ukrainian. She served as the President of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses in 2020-2021. Dr. Bridges is well known for her presentations on the integration of evidence into practice that includes multiple topics related to sepsis, hemodynamics, and operational care.

Global Perspectives in Sepsis Care (Presented by Sepsis Forum: Bench • Bedside • Beyond)

Session Title: Bench to Bedside: Updates in Sepsis Science

Session Day/Time: Friday, September 27, 2024, 1:30 PM - 2:25 PM EST

Access Session

Sybil Hoiss, RN, MN (Moderator)

Lead, Clinical Initiatives & Innovation

Critical Care BC, Provincial Health Services Authority

Since joining critical care as a direct care RN in 2009, Sybil has enjoyed working as a critical care educator, quality, and systems improvement leader. She completed her Masters of Nursing at Athabasca University and is now enrolled in the Sepsis Canada/CIHR Lifting Research Training program. While working as a Strategic Lead with Health Quality BC, Sybil was the provincial Quality Lead for the BC Sepsis Network and continues to lead that work with Critical Care BC, a new Health Improvement Network with Provincial Health Services Authority. Sybil is committed to bringing together leaders in sepsis to raise awareness and take action to reduce the burden of sepsis for patients, caregivers and families, and also for the health care staff and providers and the health system as a whole.

Global Perspectives in Sepsis Care (Presented by Sepsis Forum: Bench • Bedside • Beyond)

Session Title: Sepsis Survivorship

Session Day/Time: Friday, September 27, 2024, 2:30 PM - 3:25 PM EST

Access Session

Hailey Bain

Sepsis Survivor & Patient Partner

Sepsis Canada

Hailey is a survivor of septic shock from Toronto, Canada. Her sepsis experience was derived from appendicitis being misdiagnosed at 23 years old, which has led her to be passionate about patient advocacy and sharing her experience to improve outcomes for sepsis patients. Currently, she is a Patient Partner at Sepsis Canada and an active member of their Patient Advisory Council. Hailey also has a professional background in Human Resources across various industries, and is currently pursuing a certificate program on Critical Care and Sepsis Health Research.

Mark E. Mikkelsen, MD, MSCE, FCCM

Associate Chief Medical Officer, Critical Care

University of Colorado Hospital

Mark E. Mikkelsen, MD, MSCE, FCCM is the Associate Chief Medical Officer for Critical Care at the University of Colorado Hospital. Dr. Mikkelsen served as the Co-Chair of the Society of Critical Care Medicine's Thrive: Supporting Survivors of Critical Illness Initiative for 6 years. He has partnered with CMS and state hospital and healthcare associations to improve care coordination and reduce hospital readmissions for sepsis survivors.

Global Perspectives in Sepsis Care (Presented by Sepsis Forum: Bench • Bedside • Beyond)

Session Title: Sepsis Survivorship

Session Day/Time: Friday, September 27, 2024, 2:30 PM - 3:25 PM EST

Access Session

Stephanie Taylor, MD, MS

Professor of Internal Medicine; Chief, Division of Hospital Medicine

University of Michigan

Stephanie Taylor, MD, MS, focuses her research on improving patient outcomes and developing innovative practices to promote optimal care for sepsis patients in both early antibiotic management and post-discharge transition and recovery. She employs her expertise in health services research, pragmatic trials, large datasets, and implementation science to identify and address essential healthcare questions related to quality, value, and equity of care. Dr. Taylor is also the Division Chief of Hospital Medicine at Michigan Medicine.

Fatima Sheikh, MSc

PhD Candidate, Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact

Communications Assistant, Sepsis Canada

Fatima Sheikh is a PhD student in the Health Research Methodology program at McMaster University. Her research aims to investigate the effects of social determinants of health on the incidence and outcomes of sepsis; and develop knowledge of the effects of social determinants of health on healthcare to inform health policy, responsible use of evidence, and equitable healthcare practices. She hopes that training in both research and teaching will allow her to develop the skills and aptitudes to establish a program of research focused on equitable healthcare practices, specifically within critical care.

Global Perspectives in Sepsis Care (Presented by Sepsis Forum: Bench • Bedside • Beyond)

Session Title: Closing Remarks: Pulling It All Together

Session Day/Time: Friday, September 27, 2024, 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM EST

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Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP17068 for 6.0 contact hours.

Other healthcare professionals will receive a certificate of attendance for 5.0 contact hours.

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The information on or available through this site is intended for educational purposes only. Sepsis Alliance does not represent or guarantee that information on or available through this site is applicable to any specific patient’s care or treatment. The educational content on or available through this site does not constitute medical advice from a physician and is not to be used as a substitute for treatment or advice from a practicing physician or other healthcare professional. Sepsis Alliance recommends users consult their physician or healthcare professional regarding any questions about whether the information on or available through this site might apply to their individual treatment or care.

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