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Katy Grainger

Katy Grainger

Sepsis Survivor & Advocate

Sepsis Alliance, Board of Directors

In September 2018, Katy Grainger’s life was turned upside down when she nearly died from septic shock because of a small, infected cut on her thumb. Because of complications from sepsis, she now lives as a bilateral below-knee amputee who also lost seven partial fingers. One in five deaths worldwide are caused by sepsis, yet few people have heard of it and even fewer can identify the signs and symptoms. Katy has made it her mission to do everything she can to prevent others from experiencing what she went through.

Katy serves on the Board of Directors of Sepsis Alliance and shares her story to highlight this important public health crisis. She has reached millions of people with information about sepsis and disability through social media channels, articles, podcasts and speaking engagements. She has impacted medical policy in the United States by speaking to policy makers in Washington DC, Hawaii, and Washington State. Katy has become a body inclusive model and actor. She is currently writing a book about her journey with sepsis and amputations, highlighting the patient experience, lessons learned, and the strength she has gained.

Global Perspectives in Sepsis Care (Presented by Sepsis Forum: Bench • Bedside • Beyond)

Session Title: Opening Remarks and Land Acknowledgement / Closing Remarks: Pulling It All Together

Session Day/Time: Friday, September 27, 2024, 10:00 AM - 10:10 AM EST / 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM EST

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