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Take your Infection Prevention program to the next level

Infection prevention teams are being asked to do more with fewer resources. Sentri7® Infection Prevention eases the burden by prioritizing at-risk patients in real-time and alerting care teams using sophisticated evidence-based rules. Combined with its robust analytics, Sentri7 helps customers improve and sustain IP&C performance:

  • Identify and prevent HAIs.
  • Proactively identify clusters or increasing trends to investigate and address earlier.
  • Better manage multi-drug resistant organisms.
  • Effectively manage isolation and other patient care decisions
  • Prioritize program improvements at the facility or system level.
  • Supports one-click submission to NHSN and additional reporting for AUR reporting and notifiable conditions.
  • Analyze LabID, device- and procedure-associated infections and performance.
  • Calculate and compare NHSN standardized infection ratios.
  • Cluster detection dashboard monitors organisms and notifiable conditions.

Identify health-care acquired infections (HAIs) and trends sooner to improve quality and reduce costs. Sentri7 Infection Prevention saves you time by prioritizing patients at-risk and streamlining regulatory reporting so you can focus on patient care. 

Request a Demo

Downloadable Handouts

  • Sentri7 Infection Prevention Brochure

    Sentri7 evidence-based rules and analytics help you streamline your daily workflow, and improve the impact of your IP program on your hospitals’ outcomes.

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  • Sentri7 Infection Prevention Sheet

    With Sentri7 clinical surveillance, IPs access a centralized dashboard that automates identification and prioritizes patients, elevating HAIs to the top of the list. Disparate patient data is aggregated in real time ensuring you stay on top of HAIs in your hospital—saving you time and increasing your team’s efficiency.

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  • Hospitals’ Biggest Threats Hiding in Plain Sight: Battling drug-resistant superbugs

    To combat the growing risk, national regulatory initiatives have been upping the ante on effective response from the healthcare community. Against that backdrop lies an increasingly value-based reimbursement environment, making both the delivery of quality care and improvement in patient outcomes essential to a healthcare organization’s positive financial performance.

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  • A Guide to Building a High-Performing and Resilient Infection Prevention & Control Program

    Preventing infection is a critical aspect of delivering quality care and improving patient outcomes, and—in an increasingly value-based reimbursement climate—is essential to a health care organization’s financial performance.

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  • Recognizing and Managing Sepsis

    Sepsis is defined as life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection. Sepsis can be triggered by bacterial, viral, or fungal pathogens. Septic shock is a complication of sepsis and is characterized by hypotension requiring vasopressor support to maintain adequate mean arterial blood pressure. Early diagnosis and treatment, within 1-2 hours of presentation, has been shown to improve patient outcomes and decrease overall mortality from sepsis.

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  • Laboratory Signs of Sepsis

    Sepsis and septic shock are serious, life-threatening responses to infection that impact millions of patients worldwide. Early identification and management of these conditions improve outcomes. Use this infographic as a reference guide for lab results needed to screen patients for sepsis.

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  • Guideline Summary: Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock in Adults

    Sepsis is a medical emergency and should be treated as such. Outcomes are improved with early identification and immediate intervention in patients with sepsis or septic shock. Patients with sepsis and septic shock require initial and ongoing assessment and reevaluation of their response to treatment. Become familiar with the recommendations and best-practice statements provided in this summary of the latest guidelines, especially if you work in an acute care setting.

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Booth Staff

Bennett Hudson
Bennett Hudson
Wolters Kluwer
Kevin Whitman
Kevin Whitman
Wolters Kluwer
Elizabeth Tomaszewski, DNP, RN, CRNP, CNE, CCRN, ACNP-BC, ACNPC
Elizabeth Tomaszewski, DNP, RN, CRNP, CNE, CCRN, ACNP-BC, ACNPC
Clinical Content Manager
Lippincott Solutions, Lippincott Certification Review

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