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Cairn Ruhumuliza, RN, MS, CPHQ

Cairn Ruhumuliza, RN, MS, CPHQ

Sepsis Coordinator/Abstractor

McLaren Northern Michigan

With over 45 years of experience in nursing, Cairn has had many different roles in the profession.  Cairn’s clinical background is primarily critical care, and she has maintained CCRN certification for almost her entire career.  Cairn has taught nursing academically for a number of years, in addition to roles in administration/professional development, vendor support education, entrepreneurship, and international nursing. Prior to joining McLaren Northern Michigan Hospital, Cairn served 3 years as a mentor to the Dean of the School of Nursing in Rwanda, Africa, with the goal of building health care capacity for the Dean, faculty, students, and nurses in the country.  This was through a partnership with the Clinton Health Access Initiative, Human Resources for Health and the University of Chicago, Illinois. In her current role as Sepsis Coordinator for McLaren Northern Michigan, and as chair of the McLaren system-wide Sepsis Excellence Team, Cairn focuses uniquely on sepsis issues and concerns.  This has allowed major advances in patient outcomes, through education, systems management, and careful monitoring and mid-stream adjustments of goals based on data.

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