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Leslie Green, MA, MA, MA, MA, MSW, Ed.S

Leslie Green, MA, MA, MA, MA, MSW, Ed.S


Balance Amputee Education and Wellness

Leslie Green, MA, MA, MA, MA, MSW, Ed.S is a sepsis survivor and bilateral, below-the-knee amputee who has many years of experience working alongside people with limb loss and limb differences. Leslie has been a bilateral below-the-knee amputee since 2016, and has used her experience, both as a patient and social worker, to develop resources and education for the community she loves so dearly. She is the Founder of Balance Amputee Wellness and Education Communities and a lead advocate for the state of Minnesota with the Amputee Coalition. Leslie also works for Hanger Clinic as Director of Patient Advocacy and Education, North Central Zone.

Balance Amputee Education and Wellness Communities provide education to various groups of people who have experienced amputations due to sepsis and other factors. This monthly Sepsis Alliance Connect and Balance Amputee Education and Wellness collaborative session connects members of these communities to share resources and discuss topics related to the intersection of amputation and sepsis.

Leslie attended graduate school for social work at Augsburg and studied education at the University of St. Thomas. She received her undergraduate degree at the College of St. Benedict. She holds six graduate degrees in the fields of social work and education. Her story has been featured in Amplitude Magazine and on CBS News.

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