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Tim Sweeney, MD, PhD
Co-Founder and CEO
Tim Sweeney helped invent the core Inflammatix technology and is a licensed physician and data scientist. He completed his MD/PhD at Duke University, then spent time training in the general surgery residency program at Stanford University. While training as a surgeon, he became frustrated with the current diagnostic tools for infection. During his residency research years, he completed a postdoc MS in Biomedical Informatics, during which he worked with Purvesh Khatri, PhD (Co-Founder of Inflammatix) to identify a new way to diagnose infections based on “reading” the immune system. Their work designing custom informatics algorithms for sifting through heterogeneous large datasets led to the core technology on which Inflammatix is based.
Summit 2024 Session: Inflammatix Sponsored Session: Advances in Emergency Medicine Diagnostic Testing: Reducing Clinical Ambiguity with Patients Suspected of Acute Infections or Sepsis
Session Day/Time: Thursday, September 26, 2024, 1:45 PM - 2:00 PM EST