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Mark Laperouse, MD
Medical Director, Emergency Services
Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center
Mark Laperouse, MD, is an emergency trained physician. He attended Tulane University as an undergraduate, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Cell and Molecular Biology. He then had an unconventional medical school experience, starting at LSU New Orleans and finishing at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston because of Hurricane Katrina. His residency training took place in Jacksonville, Florida at Shands Hospital. Dr. Laperouse continues to practice at Our Lady of the Lake in the emergency department where he is the Medical Director. He also serves as the Chief Medical Officer for the Louisiana market of Emergency Care Partners. He was born in New Orleans and raised in Mandeville, and he currently resides in Baton Rouge with his wife and four boys.
Summit 2024 Session: Cytovale Sponsored Session: IntelliSep Revolutionizes Early Sepsis Detection: Real Cases and a Patient Story
Session Day/Time: Thursday, September 26, 2024, 1:45 PM - 2:00 PM EST