Vantive Sponsored Webinar: Is Your Septic Shock Toxic? Understanding Endotoxins & Potential Treatments
Includes a Live Web Event on 02/18/2025 at 11:00 AM (PST)
Webinar Description:
Endotoxin plays a prominent role in the pathogenesis of sepsis and often comes from the gut and the idea of neutralizing its detrimental capacities. All Gram-negative bacteria have a cell wall made up of endotoxins and can activate the immune system in many ways at low or toxic level. Eight out of 12 of the most dangerous bacteria cited by the World Health Organization to encourage treatment strategies are gram negative species. In addition to delving into early recognition and treatment of sepsis using the bundles, this sponsored session will explore recognition of endotoxin and innovative treatment options.
No CE credits are offered for this sponsored webinar. Content was determined by the sponsor.
Webinar Sponsor:
Sepsis Alliance gratefully acknowledges the support provided by Vantive for this sponsored webinar.
Kathleen M. Vollman, MSN, RN, CCNS, FCCM, FCNS, FAAN
Clinical Nurse Specialist/Consultant
Kathleen M. Vollman MSN, RN, CCNS, FCCM, FCNS, FAAN, is a Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist and Consultant. Kathleen received her BSN from Wayne State University in Detroit and her Master as Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist from California State University Long Beach. She has published and lectured nationally and internationally on a variety of topics including pulmonary, critical care, prevention of health care acquired injuries including pressure injury and CAUTI/CLABSIs and other HAIs, work culture, and sepsis recognition and management. She serves as a subject matter expert on these topics for the American Hospital Association and Michigan Hospital Association. From 1989 to 2003, she functioned in the role of Clinical Nurse Specialist for the Medical ICUs at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan. Currently, her company, ADVANCING NURSING LLC, is focused on creating empowered work environments for healthcare practitioners through the acquisition of better skills, attainment of greater knowledge, and implementation of process improvement.
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