Tips and Tricks to Level Up Your Sepsis Patient Education and Transitions of Care

Tips and Tricks to Level Up Your Sepsis Patient Education and Transitions of Care

4.66 (29 votes)


Original Broadcast Date: February 13, 2025

Join us during Sepsis Survivor Week 2025 to hear from sepsis survivors about their personal sepsis experiences. We’ll also share the sepsis education, resources, and support services to assist during transitions of care within the hospital, at discharge, and beyond. Attendees will learn what information and resources made a meaningful impact for these sepsis survivors and caregivers to feel supported during the acute, critical, and post-sepsis phases of their sepsis experiences, and what they wish they would have known then.

This presentation will also provide an in-depth overview of the free patient education, tools, survivor and caregiver resources, and support services Sepsis Alliance has available, with special attention on Sepsis Alliance Connect. Whether you’re a frontline healthcare professional, administrator, or sepsis advocate, this presentation will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to make a difference and level up your sepsis patient education and transitions of care practices and programs.

Learning Objectives: 

At the end of the activity, the learner should be able to:

  • List key transition of care opportunities for patient education and support both during their acute care stay and critical illness, as well as post-sepsis;
  • Identify strategies to support sepsis survivors and their caregivers throughout the continuum of care;
  • Describe how to use available resources to plan a successful discharge process, improve long-term outcomes and reduce the need for readmission.

Target Audience: 

Nurses, advanced practice providers, physicians, emergency responders, pharmacists, medical technologists, respiratory therapists, physical/occupational therapists, infection prevention specialists, data/quality specialists, and more.

Webinar Supporters:

Sepsis Alliance gratefully acknowledges the support provided for this webinar by the Sepsis Alliance Institute sponsors. 






Hailey Bain

Sepsis Survivor & Patient Partner

Sepsis Canada

Hailey is a survivor of septic shock from Toronto, Canada. Her sepsis experience was derived from appendicitis being misdiagnosed at 23 years old, which has led her to be passionate about patient advocacy and sharing her experience to improve outcomes for sepsis patients. Currently, she is a Patient Partner at Sepsis Canada and an active member of their Patient Advisory Council. Hailey also has a professional background in Human Resources across various industries, and is currently pursuing a certificate program on Critical Care and Sepsis Health Research.

Myrna Pair

Sepsis Survivor

Myrna Pair is a severe sepsis and septic shock survivor. In May 2020, emergent exploratory abdominal surgery led to removing her infected dying colon followed by construction of an ileostomy. Since then, the ostomy was reversed in 2021, open mesh surgery to repair three incisional hernias and one inguinal hernia occurred in 2024, and bowel issues continue since the ostomy reversal.

Rand Conroe

Sepsis Survivor

Rand is a sepsis survivor who previously spent 12 years in the US Army as a Russian/Korean linguist, followed by 10 years working in the defense industry as a Group Manager for General Dynamics. He has run a small chain of health clubs, owned a Country Western nightclub, and is now in the Health Care industry as the Executive Director of a Independent/Assisted Living facility in Southern Colorado.

Megan Jones

Director, Community Education and Support

Sepsis Alliance

Megan Jones joined Sepsis Alliance in 2021 after relocating from Charlotte, NC, where she was the Community Engagement and Program Coordinator for Community Building Initiative. With a background in communications, program management, and events, as well as a passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion, she has embraced the role of Senior Community and Content Manager, overseeing all of Sepsis Alliance’s Patient and Public-facing programming, including Sepsis Alliance Connect. Outside of work, Megan loves choral singing and exploring the outdoors. She enjoys exploring hiking trails in the San Diego area with her rescue dog, Shadow.

Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP17068 for 1.2 contact hours.

Other healthcare professionals will receive a certificate of attendance for 1.0 contact hour.

Medical Disclaimer

The information on or available through this site is intended for educational purposes only. Sepsis Alliance does not represent or guarantee that information on or available through this site is applicable to any specific patient’s care or treatment. The educational content on or available through this site does not constitute medical advice from a physician and is not to be used as a substitute for treatment or advice from a practicing physician or other healthcare professional. Sepsis Alliance recommends users consult their physician or healthcare professional regarding any questions about whether the information on or available through this site might apply to their individual treatment or care.

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