Sepsis and Aging for Case Workers

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Recorded On: 03/24/2021


This activity is intended for case workers and others who regularly work with the older adult population. The presenter will review what sepsis is and why it’s so important that you know about sepsis. You will learn the risk factors for older adults and how to recognize sepsis in this population. Sepsis is a very serious condition and early recognition of sepsis is key to improving outcomes and saving lives. 

No CE credits are provided for this webinar.

Target Audience: 

Case workers and others who regularly work with the older adult population.

Kelly Nguyen, MSN, RN, PHN

Clinical Advisor

Sepsis Alliance

For over ten years, Kelly has worked to improve care for patients with sepsis. With a background in emergency nursing and performance improvement, Kelly created the sepsis program for a hospital system in the Bay Area. She also initiated a county collaborative of sepsis coordinators to enhance care delivery for patients with sepsis throughout the healthcare continuum. Kelly has presented both educational and facility-specific outcomes at a number of venues locally, nationally, and abroad.

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