Harnessing Technology Advances from COVID-19 and Sepsis

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Recorded On: 06/23/2021

Webinar Description: 

This closing session will review key learnings of the presentations from the two-day conference. In addition, the clinical, economic, equity, and data perspectives of COVID-19 and sepsis will be discussed related to innovation. Strategic innovation considerations and solutions from a global vantage point will be explored.

This course was originally recorded in June 2021 as part of Sepsis Tech & Innovation. 

Target Audience:

Industry leaders, Public Policy Experts, Health and hospital Leadership (C-Suite, physicians, nurses, pharmacists, CIOs), Health quality and decision support leaders, Health Investors and VCs, Health and Technology Media, Health Advocates, Health Advisors, Health Educators, Health Marketers. 

Niranjan "Tex" Kissoon, MD, FRCP(C), FAAP, MCCM, FACPE

UBC and BCCH Professor in Acute and Critical Care - Global Child Health Investigator, BCCH Research Institute | President, Global Sepsis Alliance

Institute for Global Health | BC Children's Hospital and BC Women's Hospital + Health Centre

Niranjan “TexKissoon, MD, FRCP (C), FAAP, MCCM, FACPE, is a professor at both BC Children’s Hospital (BCCH) and UBC Global Child Health in the Department of Paediatrics and Emergency Medicine. Dr. Kissoon is also a Professor of Pediatrics and Surgery at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada. He holds the UBC BC Children’s Hospital Endowed Chair in Acute and Critical Care for Global Child Health. In November 2020, Dr. Kissoon was elected the new President of the Global Sepsis Alliance (GSA). He is a Co-Chair of World Sepsis Day and the International Pediatric Sepsis Initiative, and also serves on the Pediatric Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guideline Committee. 

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