Endotoxins: the "Missing Link" in the Pathogenesis of Sepsis

Endotoxins: the "Missing Link" in the Pathogenesis of Sepsis

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Recorded On: 09/15/2022

Webinar Description: 

Sepsis is the dysregulated and often life-threatening host response to infection that can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death. Endotoxemia could be the “missing link” in the pathogenesis of these cases, as endotoxin appears to represent an important molecular phenotype of sepsis with unique clinical manifestation and high mortality. In this sponsored webinar, learners will review identification and measurement of endotoxin in the bloodstream and gain a better understanding of how endotoxin can contribute to sepsis and organ dysfunction. 

No CE credits are offered for this sponsored webinar. Content was determined by the sponsor.

Webinar Sponsor: 

Sepsis Alliance gratefully acknowledges the support provided by Spectral Medical for this sponsored session.


John A. Kellum, MD, MCCM

Chief Medical Officer

Spectral Medical

Dr. John A. Kellum is a professor of critical care medicine, medicine, bioengineering, and clinical and translational science at the University of Pittsburgh. He was the inaugural recipient of the UPMC endowed Chair in Critical Care Research. A world expert in sepsis, acute kidney injury, and blood purification, Dr. Kellum has authored more than 400 publications and is one of the most high-cited investigators in the world.

He received his medical degree from the Medical College of Ohio and completed residency and fellowship training at the Universities of Rochester and Pittsburgh. He is a Master in the American College of Critical Care Medicine and honorary lifetime member of the European Society of Critical Care Medicine.

Dr. Kellum is currently the Chief Medical Officer for Spectral Medical Inc.

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