Abionic Sponsored Session: Rapid Sepsis Screening - Can Pancreatic Stone Protein (PSP) Enhance ED Triage?

Abionic Sponsored Session: Rapid Sepsis Screening - Can Pancreatic Stone Protein (PSP) Enhance ED Triage?

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Includes a Live Web Event on 09/25/2024 at 8:30 AM (PDT)


Date/Time: September 25, 2024 | 11:30 am - 12:00 pm ET

This sponsored session will cover existing sepsis assessment tools and their shortcomings and will introduce Pancreatic Stone Protein (PSP) as an emerging sepsis biomarker. The presenters will describe how PSP can be used as a complement to existing tools to enhance the ability of ED staff to screen incoming patients for Community Acquired Sepsis (CAS) and improve current "Rule-In" scores to ensure optimal patient outcome. Learners will also hear a real-world example of a use case for PSP which saved a young patient with sepsis in a Greek hospital.

Target Audience: 

Nurses, advanced practice providers, physicians, emergency responders, pharmacists, medical technologists, respiratory therapists, physical/occupational therapists, infection prevention specialists, data/quality specialists, and more.

Andrew Shorr, MD

Section Director, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

Medstar Washington Hospital Center (MWHC)

Andrew Shorr, MD, is a distinguished American physician and professor, recognized for his significant contributions in the field of pulmonary and critical care medicine. He has been actively involved in clinical research, focusing on respiratory infections, sepsis, and antibiotic resistance. Dr. Shorr has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles and has been a prominent figure in advancing understanding and treatment of critical illnesses in the intensive care unit. Additionally, he has held leadership roles in various medical institutions and professional organizations, enhancing both clinical practice and medical education.

Evangelos J. Giamarellos-Bourboulis, MD, PhD

Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases

Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Evangelos Giamarellos-Bourboulis, MD, PhD, is a Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases at the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He was trained in the immunology of infections at the Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease of Radboud University in the Netherlands. In 2012 and 2013, he served as Guest Professor of the Department of Critical Care Medicine of Jena University Hospital in Germany. Dr. Giamarellos-Bourboulis’ research focuses on immunomodulation in sepsis and in auto-inflammatory disorders for which he was awarded the Young Investigator Research Award by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. He has 538 publications in international peer-reviewed journals with more than 35,000 citations. He has contributed in the development of clarithromycin for immunomodulatory treatment of septic shock, the recognition of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) as an auto-inflammatory disorder, and in the licensing of adalimumab for treatment of (HS). He is the current chairman of the European Sepsis Alliance. His main achievement is the approval of anakinra for COVID-19 pneumonia in adults by the European Medicines Agency and the Food and Drug Administration through the phase 2 and 3 trials SAVE and SAVE-MORE that he designed and conducted.

Patrick Pestalozzi, MBA

Chief Executive Officer


Patrick Pestalozzi is a former management consultant and Silicon Valley executive who is actively involved in the creation, financing, and development of multiple deep-tech startups. As a mentor, adviser, and coach to early-stage and mature organizations, he helps founders in the areas of growth strategies, product management, organizational design, international development, and sales performance. As a dual Swiss/US citizen who speaks English, French, and German, he maintains global insight and cultural sensitivity from extensive travel/work in 60+ countries.

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