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About Abionic
The winner of multiple industry awards, including "Swiss MedTech of the year" in
2023, Abionic is a Swiss MedTech company spun-out of EPFL in 2010 on a vision
nanofluidics could transform diagnostics.
Our flagship abioSCOPE®, a near-patient rapid diagnostic platform, delivers lab-quality
results from a drop of blood within minutes, providing valuable clinical
insights and actionable information at the point-of-care.
PSP is an emerging biomarker used by clinicians in emergency & acute care settings
as a screening tool for the early detection & diagnosis of Sepsis and runs exclusively
on the abioSCOPE as a rapid point-of-care-test (POCT).
Using 50 μL of blood, the PSP assay can detect sepsis within minutes, and can predict
onset 24-48h earlier than the current standard of care.
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