Host Response Diagnostics: Evolving the Standard of Care for Acute Infection and Sepsis in the ED

Host Response Diagnostics: Evolving the Standard of Care for Acute Infection and Sepsis in the ED

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Recorded On: 09/29/2022

Session Description: 

In this sponsored session, learners will review the immune response to infection and how to measure that response in the ED, with an emphasis on the Inflammatix Host Response approach, which measures immune gene expression in response to pathogens. This diagnostic approach was developed to address unmet needs in diagnosis and treatment of acute infection and sepsis in the ED, which the presenter will review. The presenter will also describe how multicohort analysis and machine learning can be used to develop clinically robust tests with broad applications for the diagnosis and treatment of disease, and how all of this can be done at the point of care.

This session was originally recorded in September 2022 as part of Sepsis Alliance Summit.

Session Sponsor:

Sepsis Alliance gratefully acknowledges the support provided by Inflammatix for this sponsored session.


Tim Sweeney, MD, PhD

Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer


Tim Sweeney, MD, PhD, helped invent the core Inflammatix technology and is a licensed physician and data scientist. He completed his MD/PhD at Duke University and then spent time training in the general surgery residency program at Stanford University. While training as a surgeon, he became frustrated with the current diagnostic tools for infection. During his residency research years, he completed a postdoc MS in Biomedical Informatics, during which he worked with Dr. Khatri to identify a new way to diagnose infections based on ‘reading’ the immune system. Their work designing custom informatics algorithms for sifting through heterogeneous large datasets led to the core technology on which Inflammatix is based.

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